vendredi 27 juillet 2007


In conclusion,
wee agreed for three pound ten shillings a man,
to bring our Ship to Plimouth, or Darmouth,
and to give the Pilot five pound :
but if the winde did not serve,
but that they were driven to put into Bristow,
they were have foure pound ten shillings a man,
and the Pilot sixe pound.
Omitting therefore further circumstances,
from Bere Haven wee came to Plimouth,
and so to an anchor,
before the Castle :
and from Plimouth,
with faire winde and weather without stop or stay,
wee came to the Downes,
from thence to Gravesend,
where most of our men went a shoare,
and from thence came this side Erith,
and there stopped :
where our Master Robert Billet came aboord,
and so had mee up to London with him,
and so wee came to Sir Thomas Smith together.

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