vendredi 27 juillet 2007


From these Ilands we stood to the North-east
and the Easter Land still in sight :
wee raysed those Ilands, that our Master called Rumnies Ilands.
Betweene these Ilands and the shallow ground to the East of them,
our Master went downe into the first great Bay.
We kept the East shoare still in our sight,
and comming thwart of the low Land,
wee ranne on the Rocke that lay under water, and strooke but once;
for it shee had, we might have beene made Inhabitans of that place :
but God sent us soone off without any harme that wee saw.
Wee continued our course and raysed Land a head of us,
which stretched out to the North : which when they saw, they said plainly,
that Robert Billet by his Northerly course had left the Capes to the South,
and that they were best to seeke downe to the South in time for reliefe,
before all was gone : for we had small store left.
But Robert Billet would follow the Land to the North,
saying, that he hoped in God to find somewhat to releeve us that way,
as soone as to the South.
I told them that this Land was the Mayne of Worsenhome Cape,
and that the shallow rockie ground,
was the same that the Master went downe by,
when he went into the great Bay.
Robert Juet and all said, it was not possible,
unlesse the Master had brought the ship over Land,
and willed them to looke into the Masters Card,
and their course how well they did agree.
We stood to the East, and left the mayne Land to the North,
by many small Ilands into a narrow gut betweene two Lands,
and there came to an Anchor.
The Boat went ashoare on the North side,
where wee found the great Horne, but nothing else.
The next day wee went to the South side, but found nothing there,
save Cockle grasse of which we gathered.
This grasse was a great releese unto us, for without it,
we should hardly have got to the Capes for want of victuall.
The wind serving we stood out, but before we could get cleane out,
the wind came to the West,
so that we were constrayned to anchor on the north side.

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