vendredi 27 juillet 2007
the seventeeth of Aprill, 1610.
Thwart of Shepey, our Master sent Master Colbert backe to the Owners with his Letter.
The next day we weighed from hence,
and stood for Harwich,
and came thither the eight an twentieth of Aprill.
From Harwich we set sayle the first of May,
along the coast to the North,
till we came to the Iles of Orkney,
from thence to the Iles of Faro,
and from thence to Island :
on which we fell in a fogge,
hearing the rut of the sea ashoare,
but saw not the Land whereupon our Master came to an Anchor.
Heere we were embayed in the South-east part of the Land.
Wee weighed and stood along the Coast,
on the West side towards the North :
but one day being calme, we fell a fishing,
and caught good store of fish, as Cod and Ling, and Butte,
with some other sorts that we knew not.
The next day, we had a good gale of wind at South-west,
and rayse the Iles of Westmonie,
where the King of Denmarke hath a Fortresse,
by which we passed to raysed the Snow Hill foot,
a Mountayne so called on the North-west part of the Land.
But in our course we saw the famous Hill, Mount Hecla,
which cast out much fire,
a signe of foule weather to come in short time.
Wee leave Island to find an Harbour,
which we did on the North-west part, called Derefer,
where wee killed good store of Fowle.
From hence wee put to Sea againe,
but (neither wind nor weather serving)
our Master stood backe for this Harbour againe,
but could not reach it, but fell with another to the south of that,
called by our Englishmen, Lousie Bay :
where on the shoare we found an hot bath,
and here all our Englishmen bathed themselves :
the water was so hot that it would scald a Fowle.
we put to Sea for Groneland,
but to the West wee saw Land as we thought,
for which we beare the best part of a day,
but it proved but a foggie banke.
So wee gave it over,
and made for Gronland,
which we raysed the fourth of June.
Upon the Coast thereof hung good store of Ice,
so that our Master could not attayne to the shoare by any meanes.
The Land in this part is very Mountaynous,
and full of round Hils,
like to Sugar-loaves,
covered with snow.
We turned the Land on the South side,
as neere as the Ice would suffer us.
Our course for the most part was betweene the West and North-west,
till we raysed the Desolations,
which is a great Iland in the West part of Groneland.
On this Coast we saw store of Whales,
and as wee could hardly shunne them :
then two passing very neere,
and the third going under our ship,
wee receive no harme by them,
praysed bee God.
the wind being against him,
whoelse would have gone more to the North :
but in this course we saw the first great Iland or Mountayne of Ice,
whereof after we saw store.
About the latter end of June,
we raysed Land to the North of us,
which our Master tooke to bee that Iland
which Master Danis setteth downe in his Chart.
On the west side of his Streight,
our Master would have gone to the North of it,
but the wind would not suffer him :
so we sell to the South of it,
into a great Rippling or overfall of current,
the which setteth to the West.
Into the current we went,
and made our way to the North of the West,
till we met with Ice which hung on the Iland.
Wherefore our Master casting about,
cleered himselfe of this Ice,
and stood to the South, and then to the West,
through store of floting Ice,
and upon the Ice store of Seales.
We gained a cleere Sea,
and continued our course till wee meete Ice;
first, with great Ilands,
and then with store of smaller sort.
Betweene them we made our course North-west,
till we met with Ice againe.
But, in this our going betweene the Ice,
we saw one of the great Iland of Ice overturne,
which was a good warning to us
not to come night hem, nor within their reach.
Into the Ice wee put ahead, as betweene two Lands.
The next day we had a storme,
and the wind brought the Ice so fast upon us,
that in the end we were driven to put her into the chiefest of the Ice,
and there to let her lie.
Some of our men this day fell sicke, I will not say it was for feare,
although I saw small signe of other griefe.
we stood out of the Ice,
where wee saw any cleere Sea to goe to :
which was sometime more, and sometime lesse.
Our course was as the Ice did lye,
sometime to the North, then to the North-west :
but still inclosed with Ice.
Which when our Master saw, he made his course to the South,
thinking to cleere himselfe of the Ice that way :
but the more he strove, the worse he was,
and the more inclosed, till we could goe no further.
Here our Master was in despaire,
and (as he told me after)
he thought he should never have got out of this Ice,
but there have perished.
Therefore hee brought forth his Card,
and shewed all the company,
that hee was entred above an hundred league further then any English was :
and left it to their choice,
whether they would proceed any further;
yea, or nay.
Whereupon, some were of one minde, and some of another,
some wishing themselves at home, and some not caring where,
so they were out of the Ice :
but there were some who then spake words,
which were remembred a great while after.
that if he had an hundred pounds,
hee would give foure-score and ten to be at home :
but the Carpenter made answere, that if hee had an hundred,
hee would not give ten upon any such condition,
but would thinke it to be as good money as ever he had any,
and to bring it as well home, by the leave of God.
After many words to no purpose,
to worke we must on all hands,
to get our selves out,
and to cleere our ship.
After much labour and time spent,
we gained roome to turn out ship in,
and so by little and little,
to get cleere in the Sea a league or two off,
our course being North and North-west.
high Land andcovered with Snow.
Our Master named this Land, Desire provokes.
Lying here, wee heard the noyse of a great over-fall of a tyde,
that came out of the Land :
for now we might see well,
that wee had beene embayed before,
and time had made us know,
being so well acquainted with the Ice,
that when night, or foggie, or foule weather tooke us,
we would seeke out the broadest Iland of Ice,
and there come to anchor and runne, and sport,
and fill water that stood on the Ice in Ponds,
both sweete and good.
But after we had brought this Land to beare South of us,
we had the tyde and the current to open the Ice,
as being carried first one way, and then another :
but in Bayes they lye as in a pond without moving.
In this Bay where wee were thus troubled with Ice,
wee saw many of those Mountaynes of Ice aground,
in sixe or sevenscore fathome water.
In this our course we saw a Beare upon a piece of Ice by it selfe,
to the which our men gave chase with their Boat :
but before they came nigh her,
the tyde had carried the Ice and the Beare on it,
and joyned it with the other Ice :
so they lost their labour,
and came aboord againe.
and raysed Land to the North of our course,
toward which we made, and comming nigh it,
there hung on the Eastermost point,
many Ilands of floting Ice, and a Beare on one of them,
which from one to another came towards us,
till she was readie to come aboord.
But when she saw us looke at her,
she cast her head betweene her hinder legges,
and then dived under the Ice :
and so from one piece to another,
till she was out of our reach.
We stood along by the Land on the Southside ahead of us,
wee met with Ice that hung on a point of Land that lay to the South,
more then this that we came up by :
which when our Master saw, he stood in the shoare.
At the West end of this Iland (for so it is) we found an Harbour,
and came in (at a full Sea) over a Rocke,
which had two fathome and an halfe on it,
and was so much bare at a low water.
But by the great mercie of God,
we came to an Anchor cleere of it :
and close by it, our Master named them, the Iles of Gods Mercie.
This is an Harbour for need,
but there must be care had how they come in.
Heere our Master sent me, and other with me,
to discover to the North and North-west :
and in going from one place to another,
we sprung a Covey of Partridges which were young :
at the which Thomas Woodhouse shot, but killed only the old one.
This Iland is a most barren place,
having nothing on it but plathes of water and riven Rockes,
as if it were subject to Earthquakes.
To the North there is a great Bay, or Sea
(for I know not what it will prove)
where I saw a great Iland of Ice aground, betweene the two Lands,
which with the Spring-tide was set asloat,
and carried into this Bay or Sea to the North-westward,
but came not backe againe, nor within sight.
Here wee tooke in some Drift wood that we found ashoare.
to double the Land to the West of us,
through much floting Ice :
In the end wee found a cleere Sea, and continued therein,
till wee raysed Land to the North-west.
Then our Master made his course more to the South then before :
but it was not long ere we met with Ice ehich lay ahead of us.
Our Master would have doubled this Ice to the North, but could not,
and in the end into it downe to the South-west through much Ice,
and then to the South, where we were embayed againe.
Our Master strove to get the shoare, but could not,
for the great store of Ice that was on the coast.
From out of this Bay, we stood to the North,
and were soone out of the Ice :
then downe to the South-west, and so to the West,
where we were enclosed (to our sight) with Land and Ice.
For wee had Land from the South to the North-west on one side,
and from the East to the West on the other :
but the Land that was to the North of us,
and lay by East and West, was but an Iland.
On we went till we could goe no further for Ice :
so we made our ship fast to the Ice which the tide brought upon us,
but when the ebbe came, the Ice did open, and made way;
so as in seven or height houres we were cleere from the Ice,
till we came to weather;
but onely some of the great Ilands,
that were carried along with us to the North-west.
our Master stood to the West along by the South shoare,
and raysed three Capes or Head-lands,
lying one above another.
The middlemost is an Iland,
and maketh a Bay or Harbour,
which (I take) will prove a good one.
Our Master named them Prince Henries Cape, or Fore-land.
When we had layd this we raised another,
which was the extreme point of the Land,
looking towards the North :
upon it are two Hills,
but one (above the rest) like an Hay-cocke;
which our Master named, King James his Cape.
To the North of this, lie certaines Ilands,
which our Master named, Queene Annes Cape, or Fore-land.
Wee followed the North shoare still.
Beyond the Kings Cape there is a Sound or Bay,
that hath some Ilands in it :
and this is not to be forgotten, if need be.
Beyond this, lieth some broken Land,
close to the Mayne,
but what it is I know not :
because we passed by it in the night.
and after to the West againe,
till wee fell with Land that stretched from the Mayne,
like a shewer from the South to the North,
and from the North to the West,
and then downe to the South againe.
Being short of this Land,
a storme tooke us,
the wind at West,
we stood to the North, and raised Land :
which when our Master saw,
he stood to the South againe;
for he was loath at any time that wee should see the North shoare.
The storme continuing,
and comming to the South shoare againe,
our Master found himselfe shot to the West,
a great way, which made him muse,
considering his Leeward way.
To the South-west of this Land,
on the Mayne, there is an high Hill,which our Master named Mount Charles.
To the North and beyond this, lieth an Iland,
that to the East hath a faire head,
and beyond it to the West other broken Land,
which maketh a Bay within,
and a good Road may be found there for ships.
Our Master named the first, Cape Salsburie.
we fell into a Rippling or Over-fall of a current,
which (at the first we tooke to bee a Shoald :
but the Lead being cast, we had no ground.
On we passed still in sight of the South shoare,
till we raised Land lying from the Mayne some two leagues.
Our Master tooke this to bee a part of the Mayne of the North Land;
but it is an Iland,
the North side stretching out to the West more then the South.
This Iland hath a faire Head to the East, and very high Land,
which our Master named Deepes Cape :
and the Land on the South side, now falling away to the South,
makes another Cape or Head-land,
which our Master named, Worsenhams Cape.
When wee were nigh the North or Iland Cape,
our Master sent the Boat ashoare,
with my selfe (who had the charge) and the Carpenter, and divers others,
to discover to the West and North-west, and to the South-west :
but we had further to it then we thought;
for the Land is very high,
and we were over-taken with a storme of Raine, Thunder and Lightning.
But to it we came on the North-east side,
and up we got from one Rocke to another,
till we came to the highest of that part.
Here we found some plaine ground, and saw some Deere;
as first, foure or five, and after, a dozen or sixteene in an Herd,
but could not come night hem with a Musket shot.
wee saw to the West of us an high Hill above all the rest,
it being nigh us :
but it proved further off then we made account;
for, when wee came to it,
the Land was steepe on the East and North-east parts,
that wee could not get unto it.
To the South-west we saw that wee might,
and towards that part we went along by the side of a great Pond of water,
which lieth under the East side of this Hill :
and there runneth out of it a streame of water,
as much as would drive an over-shot Mill;
which falleth downe from an high Cliffe into the Sea on the South side.
In this place great store of Fowle breed,
and there is the best Grasse that I had seene since we came from England.
Here wee found sorell, and that which wee call scurvy grasse,
in great abundance.
Passing along wee saw some round Hills of stone, like to Grasse cockes,
which at the first I tooke to be the worke of some Christian.
Wee passed by them,
till we came to the South side of the Hill;
we went unto them, and there found more;
and being night hem,
I turned off the uppermost stone,
and found them hollow within,
and full of Fowles hanged by their neckes.
Then Greene, and I,
went to fetch the Boat to the South side,
while Robert Billet and hee got downe a Valley to the Sea side,
where wee tooke them in.
and shot off some Peeces to call us aboord;
for it was a fogge.
Wee came aboord, and told him what we had seene,
and perswaded him to stay a day or two in this place,
telling him what refreshing might there bee had :
but by no meanes would he stay,
who was not pleased with the motion.
So we left the Fowle,
and lost our way downe to the South-west,
before they went in sight of the Land,
which now beares to the East from us,
being the same mayne Land that we had all this while followed.
Now, we had lost the sight of it,
because it falleth away to the East,
after some five or twenty or thirty leagues.
Now we came to the shallow water,
wherewith wee were not acquainted since we came from Island;
now we came into broken ground and Rockes,
through which we passed downe to the South.
In this our course we had a storme,
and the Master did shoald apace.
Our Master came to an anchor in fifteene fathoms water.
because the Land in this place did lie so.
When we came to the point of the West Land
(for we now had Land on both sides of us)
we came to an anchor.
Our Master sent the Boat ashoare,
to see what that Land was,
and wheter there were any way through.
They soone returned,
and shewed that beyond the point of Land to the South,
there was a large Sea.
This Land on the West side,
was a very narrow Point.
Wee weighed from hence,
and stood in for this Sea betweene the two Lands,
which (in this place) is not two leagues broad downe to the South,
for a great way in sight of the East shoare.
In the end we lost sight thereof,
and saw it not till we came to the bottome of the Bay,
into sixe or seven fathomes water.
Hence we stood up to the North by the West shoare,
till wee came to an Iland in 53.
Where we tooke in water and ballast.
but some two or three dayes after
(reasoning concerning our comming into this Bay, and going out)
our Master tooke occasion to revive old matters,
and to displace Robert Juet from being his Mate,
and the Boat-swaine from his place,
for words spoken in the first great Bay of Ice.
Then hee made Robert Billet his Mate,
and William Wilson our Boat-swaine.
Up to the North wee stood, till we raised Land,
then downe to the South, and up to the North,
then downe againe to the South :
and on Michaelmasse day came in, and went out of certaine Lands :
which our Master sets downe by the name of Michaelmasse Bay,
because we came in and went out on that day.
From hence wee stood to the North, and came into shoald water;
and the weather being thicke and foule,
wee came to an anchor in seven or eight fathome water,
and there lay eight dayes :
in all which time wee could not get one houre to weigh our anchor.
But the eight day, the wind beginning to cease,
our Master would have the anchor up,
against the mind of all who knew what belonged thereunto.
Well, to it we went,
and when we had brought it to a peake, a Sea tooke her,
and cast us all off from the Capstone,
and hurt divers of us.
Here wee lost our Anchor,
and if the Carpenter had not beene,
we had lost our Cable too :
but he (fearing such a matter)
was ready with his Axe,
and so cut it.
through a cleere Sea of two divers founding,
and came to a Sea of two colours, one blacke, and the other white,
sixteene or seventeene fathome water,
betweene which we went foure or five leagues.
But the night comming, we tooke in our Top-sayles,
and stood afore the wind with our Maine-sayle,
and came into five or sixe fathomes,
and saw no Land for it was darke.
Then we stood to the East, and had deepe water againe,
then to the South and Southwest,
and so came to our Westermost Bay of all,
and came to an anchor neerest to the North shoare.
Out went our Boat to the Land that was next us,
when they came neere it,
our Boat could not flote to the shoare it was so shallow :
yet ashoare they got.
Here our men saw the footing of a man and a Ducke in the snowy Rockes,
and Wood good store,
whereof they tooke some and returned aboord.
Being at anchor in this place,
we saw a ledge of Rockes to the South of us, some league of length;
Itl ay North and South, covered at a full Sea;
for a strong tide setteth in here.
At mid-night wee weighed, and stood to goe out as we came in;
and had not gone long,
but the Carpenter came and told the Master,
that if he kept that course he would be upon the Rockes :
the Master conceived that he was past them,
when presently wee ranne on them,
and there stucke fast twelve houres :
but (by the mercy of God) we got off unhurt,
though not unscarred.
lying North and South :
wee went to the furthermost,
and left it to the North of us,
and so into a Bay, where wee came to an anchor.
Here our Master sent out our Boat,
with my selfe and the Carpenter to seeke a place to winter in :
an dit was time;
for the nights were long and cold,
and the earth covered with Snow.
Having spent three moneths in a Labyrinth without end,
being now the last of October,
we went downe to the East,
to the bottome of the Bay :
but returned without speeding of that we went for.
The next day we went to the South,
and to the South-west, and found a place,
whereunto we brought our ship,
and haled her aground :
and this was the first of November.
By the tenth thereof we were frozen in :
but now we were in,
it behooved us to have care of what we had;
for, that we were sure of;
but what we had not, was uncertaine.
and of that which was good :
if our Master would have had more,
he might have ha dit at home and in other places.
Here we were now, and therefore it behoved us so to spend,
that wee might have (when time came)
to bring us to the Capes where the Fowle bred,
for that was all the hope wee had to bring us home.
Wherefore our Master tooke order,
first for spending of that wee had,
and then to increase it,
by propounding a reward to them that killed either Beast, Fish, or Fowle,
as in his Journall you have seene.
About the middle of this moneth of November,
dyed John Williams our Gunner.
God pardon the Masters uncharitable dealing with this man.
Now for that I am come to speake of him,
out of whole ashes (as it were) that unhappy deed grew
which brought a scandall upon all that are returned home,
and upon the action it selfe,
the multitude (like the dog) running after the stone,
but not at the caster :
therefore, not to wrong the living, nor slander the dead,
I will (by the leave of God) deliver the truth as neere as I can.
that our Master kept (in his house at London) a young man,
named Henrie Greene, borne in Kent,
of Worshipfull Parents, but by his leud life and conversation
hee had lost the good will of all his frinds,
and had spent all that hee had.
This man, our Master would have to Sea with him,
because hee could write well :
our Master gave him meate, and drinke, and lodging,
and by meanes of one Master Venson,
with much adoe got foure pounds of his mother to buy him clothes,
wherewith Master Venson would not trust him :
but saw it laid out himselfe.
This Henrie Greene was not set downe in the owners booke,
nor any wages made for him.
Hee came first aboord at Gravesend,
and at Harwich should have gone into a field, with one Wilkinson.
At Island the Surgeon and hee fell out in Dutch,
and hee beat him a shoare in English,
which set all the company un a rage;
so that wee had much adoe to get the Surgeon aboord.
I told the Master of it, but hee bade mee let it alone,
for (said hee) the Surgeon had a tongue that would wrong
the best friend hee had.
But Robert Juet (the Masters Mate)
would needs burne his finger in the embers,
and told the Carpenter a long tale (when hee was drunke)
that our Master had brought in Greene to cracke his credit that should displease him :
which words came to the Master eares,
who when hee understood it,
would have gone back to Island,
when he was fortie leagues from thence,
to have sent home his Mate Robert Juet in Fisher-man.
But, being otherwise perswaded, all was well.
So Henry Greene stood upright,
and very inward with the Master,
and was a serviceable man every way for manhood :
but for Religion he would say,
he was cleane paper whereon he might write what hee would.
Now, when our Gunner was dead,
and (as the order is in such cases)
if the company stand in need of any thing
that belonged to the man deceased,
then is it brought to the Mayne Mast,
and there sold to them that will give most for the same :
This Gunner had a gray cloth gowne,
which Greene prayed the Master to friend him
so much as to let him have it,
paying for it as another would give :
the Master saith hee should,
and thereupon hee answered some,
that sought to have it,
that Greene should have it,
and none else,
and so it rested.
the Master calleth the Carpenter to goe in hand with an house on shoare,
which at the beginning our Master would not heare,
when it might have beene done.
The Carpenter tod him,
that the Snow and Frost were such,
as hee neither could,
nor would goe in hand with such worke.
Which when our Master heard,
hee ferreted him out of his Cabbin to strike him,
calling him by many foule names,
and threatning to hang him.
The Carpenter told him
that hee knew what belonged to his place better then himselfe,
and that hee was no House Carpenter.
So this passed,
and the house was (after) made with much labour, but no end.
The next day after the Master and the Carpenter fell out,
the Carpenter tooke his Peece and Henry Greene with him,
for i twas an order that none should goe out alone,
but one with a Peece, and another with a Pike.
This did move the Master so much the more against Henry Greene,
that Robert Billet his Mate must have the gowne,
and had it delivered unto him;
which when Henry Greene saw, he challenged the Masters promise :
but the Master did so raile on Greene,
with so many words of disgrace, telling him,
that all his friends would not trust him with twenty shillings,
and therefore why should he?
As for wages he had none, nor none should have,
if he did not please him well.
Yet the Master had promised him to make his wages as good,
as any mans in the ship;
and to have him one of the Princes guard when we came home.
But you shall see how the devil out of this so wrought with Green
that he did the Master what mischiefe hee could in seaking to discredit him,
and to thrust him and many honest men out of the Ship in the end.
To speake of all our trouble in this time of Winter
(which was so cold, as lamed the most of our Company,
and my selfe doe yet feele it) would bee too tedious.
how mercifully God dealt with us in this time;
for the space of three moneths
wee had such store of Fowle of one kinde
(which were Partridges as white as milke)
that wee killed above an hundred dozen,
besides others of sundry sorts :
for all was fish that came to the net.
The Spring comming, this Fowle left us,
yet they were with us all the extreame cold.
Then in their places came divers sort of other Fowle,
as Swanne, geese, duck, and teale, but hard to come by.
Our Master hoped they would have bred in those broken grounds,
but they doe not;
but came from the South, and flew to the North,
further then we were this Voyage;
yet if they be taken short with the wind at North,
or North-west, or North-east,
then they fall and stay till the winde serve them,
and then flye to the North.
Now in time these Fowles are gone,
and few or none to bee seene.
Then wee went into the Woods, Hilles, and Valleyes,
for all things that had any shew of substance in them,
how vile soever :
the mosse of the ground,
then the which I take the powder of a post to bee much better,
and the Fogge (in his ingendring time as loathsome as a Toade)
was not spared.
But amongst the divers sorts of buds,
it pleased God that Thomas Woodhouse brought home a budde of a Tree,
full of a Turpentine substance.
Of this our Surgeon made a decoction to drinke,
and applyed the buddes hot to them that were troubled
with ach in any part of their bodies;
and for my part, I confesse,
I received great and present ease of my paine.
there came a Savage to our Ship,
as it were to see and to bee seene,
being the first that we had seene in all this time :
whom our Master intreated well, and much of him,
promising unto himselfe great matters by his meanes,
and therefore would have all the Knifes and Hatchets (which any man had)
to his private use,
but received none but from John King the Carpenter, and my selfe.
To this Savage our Master gave a Knife, a Looking-glasse, and Buttons,
who received them thankefully,
and made signes that after hee had slept hee would come againe,
which hee did.
When hee came, hee brought with him a Sled, which hee drew after him,
and upon it two Deeres skinnes, and two Beaver skinnes.
Hee had a scrip under his arme,
out of which hee drew those things which the Master had given him.
Hee tooke the Knife and laid it upon one of the Beaver skinnes,
and his Glasses and Buttons upon the other,
and so gave them to the Master, who received them;
and the Savage tooke those things which the Master had given him,
and put them up into the scrip againe.
Then the Master shewed him an Hatchet,
for which hee would have given the Master one of his Deere skinnes,
but our Master would have them both, and so hee had,
although not willingly.
After many signes of people to the North, and to the South,
and that after so many sleepes he would come againe,
he went his way, but never came more.
So that our Boat might go from one place unto another,
a company of men were appointed by the Master
to go a fishing with our net;
their names were as followeth :
William Wilson, Henry Greene, Michael Perce, John Thomas,
Andrew Moter, Bennet Mathewes, and Arnold Lodlo.
These men, the first day they went, caught five hundred fish,
as big as good Herrings, and some troutes :
which put us all in some hope to have our wants supplied,
and our Commons amended :
but these were the most that ever they got in one day,
for many dayes they got not a quarter so many.
In this time of their fishing, Henry Green and William Wilson,
with some others, plotted to take the net and the shallop,
which the Carpenter had now set up, and so to shift for themselves.
But the shallop being readie, our Master would goe in it himselfe,
to the South and the South-west,
to see if hee could meete with the people;
for, to that end was it set up,
and (that way) wee might see the Woods set on fire by them.
So the Master tooke the Sayne and the Shallop,
and so much victuall as would serve for eight or nine dayes,
and to the South hee went.
They that remained aboord,
were to take in water, wood, and ballast,
and to have all things in a readinesse against hee came backe.
But hee set no time of his returne;
for he was perswaded, if he could meet with the people,
he should have flesh of them, and that good store :
but hee returned worse then hee went forth.
For, hee could by no meanes meete with the people,
although they were neere them,
yet they would set the woods on fire in his fight.
and first, delivered all the bread out of the bread roome
(which came to a pound a piece for every mans share)
and delivered also a Bill of Returne, willing them to have that to shew,
if it please God, that they came home :
and he wept when hee gave it unto them.
But to helpe us in this poore estate with some reliefe,
the Boate and Sayne went to worke on Friday morning,
and stayed till Sunday noone :
at which time they came aboord, and brought fourescore small Fish,
a poore reliefe for so many hungry bellies.
Then we wayed, and stood out of our wintering place,
and came to an Anchor without in the Sea,
where our bread being gone, that store of cheese we had was to stop a gap,
whereof there were five, whereat the company grudged,
because they made account of nine.
But those that were left, were equally divided by the Master,
although he had countall to the contrarie :
for there were some who having it, would make half to bee fid thereof,
because they could not governe it.
I knew when Henrie Greene gave halfe his bread,
which hee had for fourteene dayes, to one to keepe,
and prayed him not to let him have any untill the next Munday :
but before Wednesday at night, hee never left till hee ha dit againe,
having eaten up his first weekes bread before.
So Wilson the Boatswaine hath eaten (in one day) his fortnights bread,
and hath beene two or three dayes sicke for his labour.
The cause that moved the Master to deliver all the Cheese,
was because they were not all of one goodnesse,
and therefore they should see that they had no wrong done them :
but every man should have alike the best and the worse together,
which was three pounds and halfe for seven dayes.
and on Munday at night (the eighteeth day of June) we fell into the Ice,
and the next day the wind being at west,
we lay there till Sunday in sight of Land.
Now being here, the Master told Nicholas Simmes,
that there would be a breaking up of chests, and a search for bread,
and willed him (if hee had any) to bring it to him,
which hee did,
and delivered to the Master thirty cakes in a bagge.
This deed of the Master (if it bee true) hath made a marvell,
what should bee the reason that hee did not stop the breach in the beginning,
but let it grow to that height,
as that it overthrew himselfe and many other honest men :
but there are many devices in the heart of man,
yet the counsell of the Lord shall stand.
the one and twentieth of June at night,
Wilson the Boatswayne,
and Henry Greene came to mee lying (in my Cabbin) lame,
and told mee that they and the rest of their Associates,
would shift the Company,
and turn the Master,
and all the sicke men into a shallop,
& let them shift for themselves.
there was not fourteen daies victuall left for all the Company,
at that poore allowance they were at,
and that there they lay,
the Master not caring to goe one way or other :
and that they had not eaten any thing these three dayes,
and therefore were resolute,
either mend or end,
and what they had begun they would goe through with it,
or dye.
When I heard this,
I told them I marvelled to heare so much from them,
considering that they were married men,
and had wives and children,
and that for their sakes
they should not commit
so foule a thing
in the sight of God and man,
as that would bee;
for why should they banish themselves
from their native Countrie ?
swearing to cut his throat that went about to disturbe them,
and left Wilson by me,
with whom I had some talke,
but to no good :
for he was perswaded,
that there was no remedie now,
but to goe on while it was hot,
least their partie should faile them,
and the mischiefe they had intented to others
should light to themselfes.
Henry Greene came againe,
and demended of him what I said.
Wilson answered,
He is in his old song,
still patient.
Then I spake to Henry Greene to stay three dayes,
in which time I would so deale with the Master,
that all should be well.
So I dealt with him to forbeare but two dayes,
nay twelve houres;
there is no way then (say they) but out of hand.
Then I told them,
that if they would stay till Monday,
I will joyne with them to share all the victuals in the ship,
and will justifie it when I came home;
but this would not serve their turnes.
Wherefore I told them,
it was some worse matter they had in hand then they made shew of,
and that it was bloud and revenge hee sought,
or else he would not at such a time of night undertake such a deed.
Henry Greene (with that) taked my Bible which lay before me,
and sware that hee would doe no man harme,
and what hee did was for the good of the voyage,
and for nothing else;
and that all the rest should do the like.
The like did Wilson sweare.
and presently came Juet,
because hee was an ancient man,
I hope to found some reason in him;
but hee was worse than Henry Greene,
for hee sware plainely that he would justifie this deed when he came home.
After him came John Thomas,
and Michel Perce,
as birds of one feather :
but because they are not living I will let them goe,
as then I did.
Then came Moter and Bennet,
of whom I demanded,
if they were well advised what they had taken in hand.
They answered,
they were,
and therefore came to take their oath.
because I am much condemned for this oath,
as one of them that plotted with them,
and that by an oath I should bind them together
to performe what they had begun,
I thought good heere to set downe to the view of all,
how well their oath and deedes agreed : and thus it was.
You shall sweare truth to God, your Prince and Countrie :
you shall doe nothing, but to the glory of God,
and the good of the action in hand, and harme to no man.
This was the oath, without adding or diminishing.
I looked for more of these companions (although these were too many)
but there came no more.
It was darke,
and they in a readinesse to put this deed of darknesse in execution.
I called to Henry Greene and Wilson,
and prayed them not to goe in hand with it in the darke,
but to stay till the morning.
Now, every man (I hope) would goe to his rest,
but wickednesse sleepeth not;
for Henry Greene keepeth the Master company all night
(and gave mee bread, which his Cabbin-mate gave him)
and others are as watchfull as he.
Then I asked Henrie Greene,
whom he would put out with the Master?
he said, the Carpenter John King, and the sicke men.
I said,
they should not doe well to part with the Carpenter,
what need soever they should have.
Why the Carpenter was in no more regard amongst them, was;
first, for that he and John King were condemned for wrong done in victuall.
But the chiefest cause was,
for that the Master loved him, and made him his Mate,
upon his returne out of our wintering place,
thereby displacing Robert Billet,
whereat they did grudge,
because hee could neither write nor read.
And therefore (said they) the Master and his ignorant Mate
would carry the Ship whither the Master pleased:
the Master forbidding any man to keepe account or reckoning,
having taken from all men qhatsoever served for that purpose.
Well, I obtained of Henrie Greene and Wilson,
that the Carpenter should stay,
by whose meanes I hoped (after they had satisfied themselves)
that the Master, and the poore man might be taken into the Ship againe.
Or, I hoped, that some one or other would give some notice,
either to the Carpenter John King, or the Master;
for so it might have come to passe by some of them that were the most forward.
and to begin in the Cooke roome;
there lay Bennet and the Cooper lame;
without the Cooke roome,
on the steere-board side,
lay Thomas Wydhouse sicke;
next to him lay Sydrack Funer lame,
then the Surgeon, and John Hudson with him;
next to them lay Wilson the Boatswaine,
and then Arnold Lodlo next to him :
in the Gun-roome lay Robert Juet and John Thomas;
on the Lar-boord side,
lay Michael Bute and Adria Moore,
who had never beene well since wee loft our Anchor;
next to them lay Michael Perce and Andrew Moter.
Next to them without the Gun-roome,
lay John King , and with him Robert Billet :
next to them my selfe, and next to me Francis Clements :
In the mid-ship,
betweene the Capstone and the Pumpes,
lay Henrie Greene and Nicholas Simmes.
This night John King was late up,
and they thought he had been with the Master,
but he was with the Carpenter,
who lay on the poope;
and comming downe from him,
was met by his Cabbin-mate,
as it were by chance,
and so they came to their Cabbin together.
It was not long ere it was day :
then came Bennet for water for the Kettle,
hee rose and went into the Hold :
when he was in,
they shut the Hatch on him
(but who kept it downe I know not)
up upon the Desk went Bennet.
and another went to the Carpenter,
and held him with a talke,
till the Master came out of his Cabbin (which hee soone did)
then came John Thomas and Bennet before him
while Wilson bound his armes behind him.
He asked them what they meant?
they told him,
he should know when he was in the Shallop.
Now Juet, while this was a doing,
came to John King into the Hold,
who was provided for him,
for he had got a sword of his own,
and kept him at a bay,
and might have killed him,
but others came to helpe him :
and so he came up to the Master.
The Master called to the Carpenter,
and told him that he was bound;
but, I heard no answere he made.
Now Arnold Lodlo, and Michael Bute rayle at them,
and told them their knaverie would shew it selfe.
Then was the Shallop haled up to the ship side,
and the poore, sicke,and lame men
were called upon to get them out of their Cabbins into the Shallop.
The Master called to me,
who came out of my Cabbin as well as I could,
to the Hatch way to speake with him :
where, on my knees I besought them,
for the love of God, to remember themselves,
and to doe as they would be done unto.
They bad me keepe my selfe well,
and get me into my Cabbin;
not suffering the Master to speake with me.
But when I came into my Cabbin againe,
hee called to me at the Horne,
which gave light into my Cabbin,
and told mee that Juet would overthrow us all;
nay (said I) it is that villaine Henrie Greene,
and I spake it not softly.
if they would bee hanged when they came home :
and as for himselfe,
hee said,
hee would not stay in the Ship
unlesse they would force him :
they bad him goe then,
for they would not stay him :
I will (said hee)
so I may have my chest with mee,
and all that is in it :
they said,
hee should,
and presently they put it into the Shallop.
Then hee came downe to mee,
to take his leave of mee,
who perswaded him to stay,
which if he did,
he might so worke that all should bee well :
hee said, hee did not thinke,
but (saith he)
if we must part
(which wee will not willingly doe, for they would follow the ship)
hee prayed me,
if we came to the Capes before them,
that I would leave some token that wee had beene there,
neere to the place where the Fowles bred,
and hee would the like for us :
and so (with teares) we parted.
Now were the sicke men driven out of their Cabbins into the Shallop;
but John Thomas was Francis Clements friend,
and Bennet was the Coopers,
so as there were words betweene them and Henrie Greene,
one faying, that they should goe,
and the other swearing that they should not goe,
but such as were in the shallop should returne.
When Henrie Greene heard that,
he was compelled to give place,
and to put out Arnold Lodlo, and Michael Bute,
which with much adoe they did.
as if the Ship had beene entred by force,
and they had free leave to pillage,
breaking up Chest, and rifling all places.
One of them came by me, who asked me, what they should doe.
I answered,
hee should make an end of what hee had begun;
for I saw him doe nothing but sharke up and downe.
were all the pore men in the Shallop,
whose names are as followeth;
Henrie Hudson, John Hudson, Arnold Lodlo,
Sidrack Faner, Phillip Staffe,
Thomas Woodhouse or Wydhouse, Adam Moore,
Henrie King, Michael Bute.
The Carpenter got of them a Peece, and Powder,
and Shot, and some Pikes, an Iron Pot,
with some meale, and other things.
They stood out of the Ice,
the Shallop being fast to the Sterne of the Shippe,
and so (when they were nigh out,
for I cannot say,
they were cleane out)
they cut her head fast from the Sterne of our Ship,
then out with their Top-sayles,
and towards the East they stood in a Cleere Sea.
In the Hold they found one of the vessels of meale whole,
and the other halfe spent,
for wee had but two;
wee found also two firkins of Butter,
some twentie seven piece of Porke,
half a bushell of Pease,
but in the Masters Cabbin we found two hundred of bisket Cakes,
a pecke of Meale,
of Beere to the quantitie of a Butt,
one with another.
Now, it was said, that the Shallop was come within sight,
they let fall the Main-sayle,
and out with their Top-sayles,
and flye as from an Enemy.
but William Wilson (more then the rest) would heare of no such matter.
Comming nigh the East shoare they cast about,
and stood to the West and came to an Iland,
and anchored in sixteene or seventeene fathome water.
So they sent the Boat,
and the Net ashoare to see if they could have a Draught :
but could not for Rocks and great stones.
Michael Perse killed two Fowle,
and heere they found good store of that Weede,
which we called Cockle-grasse in our wintering place,
whereof they gathered store, and came aboard againe.
Heere we lay that night, and the best part of the next day,
in all which time we saw not the shallop, or ever after.
Now Henrie Greene came to me and told mee,
that it was the Companies will,
that I should come up into the Masters Cabbin,
and take charge thereof.
I told hi mit was more fit for Robert Juet :
he said, he should not come in it,
nor meddle with the Masters Card, or Journals.
So up I came, and Henrie Greene gave me the Key of the Masters Chest,
and told me then, that he had laid the Masters best things together,
which hee would use himselfe when time did serve :
the bread was also delivered me by tale.
We had the Easterne shoare still in sight,
and (in the night) had a stout gale of wind,
and stood afore it, till wee met with Ice,
into the which we ranne from thinne to thicke,
till we could goe no further for Ice, which lay so thicke ahead of us
(and the wind brought it after us asterne)
that wee could not stirre back ward, nor forward :
but so lay imbayed fourteene daies in worse Ice,
then ever wee met to deale withall,
for we had beene where there was greater store,
but it was not so broad upon the water as this :
for this floting Ice contained miles, and halfe miles in compasse,
where we had a deepe Sea, and a Tide of flood and ebbe,
which set North-west and South-east.
Heere Robert Juet would have gone to the North-west,
but Robert Billet was confident to go throught the North-east, which he did.
At last, being cleere of this Ice,
he continued his course in sight of the Eastern shoare,
till he raised foure Ilands which lay North and South :
but we passed them sixe or seven league, the wind tooke us so short.
Then wee stood backe to them againe,
and came to an Anchor betweene two of the most Northermost.
We sent the Boat ashoare, to see if there were any thing there to be had,
but found nothing, but cockle Grasse,
whereof they gathered store, and so returned aboard.
Before we came to this place, I might well see,
that I was kept in the ship against Henry Greenes minde,
because I did not favour their proceeding better then I did.
Then hee began (very subtilly) to draw me
to take upon me to search for those things, which himselfe had stolne :
and accused me of a matter no lesse then Treason amongst us,
that I had deceived the company of thirtie Cakes of bread.
Now they began to talke amongst themselves,
that England was no safe place for them, and Henry Greene swore,
the shippe should not come into any place (but keepe the Sea still)
till he had the Kings Majesties hand and Seale to shew for his safetie.
They had many devices in their heads,
but Henry Greene in the end was their Captaine, and so called to them.
and the Easter Land still in sight :
wee raysed those Ilands, that our Master called Rumnies Ilands.
Betweene these Ilands and the shallow ground to the East of them,
our Master went downe into the first great Bay.
We kept the East shoare still in our sight,
and comming thwart of the low Land,
wee ranne on the Rocke that lay under water, and strooke but once;
for it shee had, we might have beene made Inhabitans of that place :
but God sent us soone off without any harme that wee saw.
Wee continued our course and raysed Land a head of us,
which stretched out to the North : which when they saw, they said plainly,
that Robert Billet by his Northerly course had left the Capes to the South,
and that they were best to seeke downe to the South in time for reliefe,
before all was gone : for we had small store left.
But Robert Billet would follow the Land to the North,
saying, that he hoped in God to find somewhat to releeve us that way,
as soone as to the South.
I told them that this Land was the Mayne of Worsenhome Cape,
and that the shallow rockie ground,
was the same that the Master went downe by,
when he went into the great Bay.
Robert Juet and all said, it was not possible,
unlesse the Master had brought the ship over Land,
and willed them to looke into the Masters Card,
and their course how well they did agree.
We stood to the East, and left the mayne Land to the North,
by many small Ilands into a narrow gut betweene two Lands,
and there came to an Anchor.
The Boat went ashoare on the North side,
where wee found the great Horne, but nothing else.
The next day wee went to the South side, but found nothing there,
save Cockle grasse of which we gathered.
This grasse was a great releese unto us, for without it,
we should hardly have got to the Capes for want of victuall.
The wind serving we stood out, but before we could get cleane out,
the wind came to the West,
so that we were constrayned to anchor on the north side.
wee weighed and doubled the point of the North Land,
which is high Land,
and so continueth to the Capes,
lying North and South,
some five and twentie or thirtie leagues.
To the North we stood to see store of those Fowles that breed in the Capes,
and to kill some with our shot,
and to fetch them with our Boat.
We raised the Capes with joy,
and bare for them,
and came to the Ilands that lie in the mouth of the streight :
but bearing in betweene the Rockie Iles,
we ranne on a Rocke that lay under water,
and there stucke fast eight or nine houres.
It was ebbing water when we thus came on,
so the floud set us afloat,
God guiding both wind and Sea,
that is was calme, and faire weather :
the ebbe came from the East,
and the floud from the West.
When wee were afloat,
wee stood more neere to the East shoare,
and there anchored.
we sent the Boat to fetch some Fowle,
and the ship should way and stand as neere as they could :
for the wind was against us.
They had a great way to row,
and by that meanes they could not reach to the place where the Fowle bred :
but found good store of Gulls,
yet hard to come by, on the Rocks and Cliffes,
but with their Peeces they killed some thirtie, and towards night returned.
Now we had brought our ship more neere to the mouth of the Streights,
and there came to an anchor in eighteen or twentie fathom water,
upon a Riffe or shelfe of ground :
which after they had weighed their Anchor,
and stood more neere to the place where the Fowle bred,
they could not find it againe, nor no place like it :
but were faire to turne to and fro in the mouth of the Streight,
and to be in danger of Rockes,
because they could not find ground to let fall an Anchor in,
the water was so deepe.
and made directly for the place where the Fowle bred, and being neere,
they saw seven Boates come about the Easterne point towards them.
When the Savages saw our Boate, they drew themselves together,
and drew their lesser Boats into their bigger :
and when they had done,
they made signes to the West,
but they made readie for all assayes.
The Savages came to them,
and by signes grew familiar one with another,
so as our men tooke one of theirs into our Boate,
and they carried our man to a cove
where their Tents stood toward the West of the place,
where the Fowle bred :
so they carried him into their Tents,
where he remayned till our men returned with theirs.
Our Boat went to the place where the Fowle bred,
and were deserous to know how the Savages killed their Fowle :
he shewed them the manner how, which was thus,
they take a long Pole with a snare at the end,
which they put about the Fowles necke,
and so plucke them downe.
When our men knew that they had a better way of their owne,
they shewed him to use of our Peeces,
which at one shot would kill seven or eight.
To be short, our Boat returned to their cove for our man, and deliver theirs.
When they came they made great joy,
with dancing and leaping, and stroking of their brest :
they offered divers things to our men,
but they only tooke some Morses Teeth, which they gave them for a knife,
and two glasse buttons :
and so receiving our man they came aboard,
much rejoycing at this chance,
as if they had met with the most simple and kind people of the World.
that (by no meanes) we should take care to stand upon our Guard :
God blinding him so,
that where wee made reckoning to receive great matters from these people,
he received more then he looked for,
and that suddenly by being made a good example for all men :
that make no conscience of doing evill,
and that we take heed of the Savage people,
how simple soever they seeme to be.
and because the ship rid to farre off,
they weighed and stood as neere to the place where the Fowle bred,
as they could : and because I was lame,
I was to go in the Boat, to carrie such things,
as I had in the Cabbin of every thing somewhat :
and so with more haste then good speed
(and not without savearing) away we went,
Henry Greene, William Wilson, John Thomas,
Michael Perse, Andrew Moter, and my selfe.
When we came neere the shoare,
the people were on the Hils,
dancing and leaping :
to the Cove we came,
where they had drawne up their Boates :
wee brought our Boate to the East side of the cove,
close to the Rockes.
Ashoare they went,
and made fast the Boat to a great stone on the shoare,
the people came,
and every one had somewhat in his hand to barter :
but Henry Greene swore they should have nothing,
till he had Venison,
for they had so promised him by signes.
(whereof there were many like Mongrels, as bigge as Hounds)
and pointed to their Mountaine, and to the Sunne, clapping their hands.
Then Henry Greene, John Thomas, and William Wilson,
stood hard by the Boate head,
Michael Perse, and Andrew Moter were got up upon the Rocke,
a gathering of Sorrell : not one of them had any weapon about him,
not so much as a sticke, save Henry Greene only,
who had a piece of a Pike in his hand :
nor saw I any thing that they had where with to hurt us.
Henry Greene and William Wilson had Looking-glasses, and Jewes Trumps,
and Bels, which they were shewing the people.
The Savages standing round about them,
one of them came into the Boats head to me to shew me a Bottle :
I made signes to him to get him ashoare.
In the meane-time, another stole behind me to the sterne of the Boat,
and when I saw him ashoare, that was in the head of the Boat,
I sate downe againe :
but suddenly I saw the legge and foote of a man by mee.
Wherefore I cast up my right arme to save my brest, he wounded my arme,
and strooke me into the bodie under my right Pappe.
He strooke a second blow which I met with my left hand,
he striving with both his hands, to make an end of that he had begunne.
I found him but weake in the gripe (God enabling me)
and getting hold of the sleeve of his left arme, so bare him from me.
His left side lay bare to me, which when I saw,
I put his sleeve off his his left arme into my left hand,
holding the string of the Knife fast in the same hand :
and having got my right hand at libertie,
I sought for somewhat wherewith to strike him
(not remembring my Dagger at the side)
but looking downe I saw it,
and therewith strooke him into the bodie, and the throate.
our men were set upon the shoare.
John Thomas and William Wilson had their bowels cut,
and Michael Perse and Henry Greene being mortally wounded,
came trumbling into the Boat together.
When Andrew Moter saw this medley,
hee came running downe the Rockes,
and leaped into the Sea,
and so swamme to the Boat,
hanging on the sterne thereof,
till Michael Perse tooke him in,
who manfully made good the head of the Boat against the Savages,
that pressed sore upon us.
Now Michael Perse had got an Hatchet,
wherewith I saw him strike one of them,
that he lay sprawling in the Sea.
Henry Greene crieth Coragio,
and layeth about him with his Truncheon :
I cryed to them to cleere the Boat,
and Andrew Moter cryed to bee taken in :
the Savages betooke them to their Bowes and Arrowes,
which they sent amongst us,
wherewith Henry Greene was slaine out-right,
and Michael Perse received may wounds,
and so did the rest.
Michael Perse and Andrew Moter rowed the Boate away,
which when the Savages saw,
they ranne to their Boats,
and I feared they would have launched them,
to have followed us,
but they did not,
and our ship was in the middle of the channell,
and could not see us.
Michael Perse fainted, and could row no more :
then was Andrew Moter driven to stand in the Boat head,
and waft to the ship,
which (at the first) saw us not,
and when they did,
they could not tel what to make of us,
but in the end they stood for us,
and so tooke us up.
Henry Greene was throwne out of the Boat into the Sea,
and the rest were had aboard,
the Savage being yet alive,
yet without sense.
But they died all there that day,
William Wilson swearing and cursing in most feare full manner :
Michael Perse lived two dayes after, and then died.
Thus you have heard the Tragicall end of Henry Greene and his Mates,
whom they called Captaine,
these foure being the only lustie men in all the ship.
in the mouth of the streight, for there was no place to anchor in neere hand :
besides, they were to goe in the Boate to kill Fowle, to bring home,
which they did, although with danger to us all.
For if the wind blew, there was an high Sea,
and the eddies of the Tydes would carrie the ship so neere the Rockes,
as it feared our Master, for so I will, now call him.
After they had killed some two hundred Fowle,
with great labour on the South Cape, wee stood to the East :
but when wee were sixe or seven leagues from the Capes,
the wind came up at East.
Then wee stood backe to the Capes againe,
and killed an hundred Fowle more.
After this, the wind came up to the West, so wee were driven to go away,
and the our Master stood (for the most) along by the North shoare,
till he fell into broken ground about the Queenes Fore-land,
and there anchored.
From thence wee went to Gods Mercies, and from thence to those Ilands,
which lye in the mouth of the Streight, not seeing the Land,
till we were readie to runne our Bosprite against the Rockes in a fogge.
But it cleered a little,
and then we might see our selves inclosed with Rockie Ilands,
and could find no ground to anchor in.
There our Master laya trie all night, and the next day the fogge continuing,
they sought for ground to anchor in,
and found some in an hundred and odde fathomes of water.
The next day we weighed and stood to the East, but before wee came heere,
we had put ourselves to hard allowance,
as halfe a foule a day with the pottage :
for yet we had some meale left, and nothing else.
Then beganne to make triall of all whatsoever :
wee had flayed our Fowle, for they wil not pull :
and Robert Juet was the first,
that made use of the skins by burning of the Feathers :
so they became a great dish of meate,
and as for the garbidge, it was not throwne away.
After we were cleere of these Ilands, which lie out with two points,
one to the South-east, and the other to the North,
making a Bay to the sight as if there were no way through,
we continued our course East South-east, and South and by East,
to raise the Desolations, from thence to shape our course for
Thus we continued divers dayes : but the wind comming against us,
made us to alter our course,
and by the meanes of Robert Juet who perswaded the company,
that they should find great reliefe in Newfound Land,
if our Country-men were there, and if they were gone before we came,
yet should we find great store of bread and fish left ashoare by them :
but how true, I give God thankes, we did not trie.
Yet we stood to the South-west, and to the West,
almost to fiftie seven degrees :
when (by the will of God) the winde came up at South-west.
Then the Master asked me, if he should take the benefit of this wind,
and shape his course for
I said it was best to goe, where we knew Corne grew, and not to seeke it,
where it was cast away, and not to be found.
Towards Ireland now wee stood,
with prosperous winds for many dayes together :
then was all our Meale spent, and our Fowle restie and dry :
but (being no remedie) we were content with the Salt broth for Dinner,
and the halfe Fowle for Supper.
Now went our Candles to wracke, and Bennet our Cooke
made a nesse of meate of the bones of the Fowle,
frying them with Candle-grease, till they were crispe,
and with Vineger put to them, made a good dish of meate.
Our Vineger was shared,
and every man a pound of Candles delivered for a weeke,
as a great daintie.
Now Robert Juet (by his reckoning) saith,
wee were within sixtie or seventie leagues of
when wee had two hundred thither.
And sure our course was so much the longer, through our evill steeredge :
for, our men became so weake, that they could not stand at the Helme,
but were saine to sit.
and said wee were past Ireland, and our last Fowle were in the steep-tub.
So, our men cared not which end went forward,
insomuch as our Master was driven to looke to their labour,
as well as his owne :
for some of them would sit and see the fore-sayle flie up to the tops,
the sheetes being either flowne or broken,
and would not helpe it themselves, nor call others for helpe,
with much grieved the Master.
Now in this extremitie it pleased God to give us sight of Land,
not farre from the place our Master said he would fall withal,
which was the Bay of Galloway, and we fell to the West of the Derses,
and so stood along by the coast, to the South-west.
In the end, there was a joyful cry, a sayle, a sayle,
toward which they stood, then they saw more,
but to the neerest we stood, and called to him :
his barke was of Fowy, and was at anchor a fishing :
he came to us, and brought us into Bere Haven.
Here we stayed a few dayes, and delt with the Irish,
to supply our wants, but found no reliefe :
for in this place there was neither Bread, Drinke,
nor mony to be had amongst them.
Wherfore they advised us to deale with our Country-men,
who were there a fishing, which we did :
but found them so cold in kindnesse,
that they would doe nothing without present money,
whereof we had done in the Ship.
In the end, we procured one John Waymouth,
Master of the Barke that brought into this Harbour,
to furnish us with money, which hee did,
and received our best Cable and Anchor in pawne for the same.
With this money,
our Master with the helpe of John Waymouth,
bought Bread, Beere, and Beefe.
so were wee to one Captaine Taylor,
for making of our contracts with Waymouth,
by whose meanes hee tooke a Bill for our Cable and Anchor,
and for the mens Wages, who would not goe with us,
unlesse Waymouth wold passe his word for the same :
for they made shew,
that they were not willing to goe with us for any wages.
Whereupon Captaine Taylor swore he would presse them,
and then, if they would not goe,
hee would hang them.
wee agreed for three pound ten shillings a man,
to bring our Ship to Plimouth, or Darmouth,
and to give the Pilot five pound :
but if the winde did not serve,
but that they were driven to put into Bristow,
they were have foure pound ten shillings a man,
and the Pilot sixe pound.
Omitting therefore further circumstances,
from Bere Haven wee came to Plimouth,
and so to an anchor,
before the Castle :
and from Plimouth,
with faire winde and weather without stop or stay,
wee came to the Downes,
from thence to Gravesend,
where most of our men went a shoare,
and from thence came this side Erith,
and there stopped :
where our Master Robert Billet came aboord,
and so had mee up to London with him,
and so wee came to Sir Thomas Smith together.